
Company News

"You and I Are of One Mind, Together with Love" Series Activities Are Held in Succession

2017-04-27 202 Share

In the afternoon of April 27, the charity sale of work of "You and I are of one mind, together with love" series activities was completed in Shanghai headquarters successfully. 

After initiation of sale of work, it was responded by members in Shanghai headquarters immediately. Many employees too out various idle but new items at home... Just a few days, the organizer had collected 80 items from sale of work embodying the love of employees in Shuanglin. 

For the large number of items from sale of work, there were 6 teams on site, and each was composed of 3 employees, responsible for maintenance and supervision of sale of work. When the host announced the commencement of sale of work, it entered the climax at the first moment. Employees on site indicated that, "We could contribute our love and buy favorite goods by means of sale of work for love, which really achieves two things at one stroke. "

Under the supervision of notary, employees lined up and put the charity fund of sale of work into love box. A charity fund of nearly 4248 Yuan was collected from the activity, which will be used as fund of "Wu Yonglin Health Foundation", for funding major diseases and accidents of internal employees. On the spot, Shan Jinhui, General Manager of the company transferred charity fund collected from this charity sale of work to Wang Haizhen, Board Chairman of "Wu Yonglin Health Foundation".

Ability is not divided by scale and charity is not divided by order. This sale of work for love makes each employee participate and experience enterprise culture of the company, and make contributions to public welfare with practical action. In future, all subsidiaries and branches will carry out such activities in succession, to transmit love and spread hope, to make the love transmitted in the big family of Shuanglin, make care become a habit, and make contribution become a pleasure.

In the afternoon of April 28, the second round of healthy running competition of "You and I are of one mind, together with love" series activities was launched in Shanghai Qingpu Qinyuan Lake Greenland Park. The running army composed of more than 100 members from Shanghai headquarters came to the site, with flag in the hand of participants. Distinguished by color, it was divided into 5 teams. Five-color flags swaying in the wind, highlighted vigor and vitality of employees in Shuanglin.

Via intense competition of about 50 minutes, the outcome of the match was finally announced. Men champion was won by Li Shiwei in the R&D Division of Mechanical & Electrical Business Department, with the time of 20 minutes and 47 seconds; women champion was won by Li Xiaoni in the Purchase Division of Powertrain Business Department, with the time of 24 minutes and 16 seconds. The sun team holding orange flags won the team championship, and the average time for them to finish the full distance is about 25 minutes.

It is to be noted that, after the activity is completed, participants categorized props used in the running such as clothes and flags etc. initiatively, leaving no waste on both sides of the track, which fully embodies the quality of employees in Shuanglin.

This running activity is the seventh held by Shuanglin in succession, Under the guidance of the ideology of "happy work and healthy work", more and more employees in Shuanglin have participated in running.

At this point, the "You and I are of one mind, together with love" series activities came to a successful ending. From charity sale of work, to running activity, focusing on healthy physical and mental development of employees, and releasing physical and mental energy, is an eternal topic for the development of Shuanglin.