• 918博天堂

    Company News

    Training about “Opportunities for Automobiles Development in the Big Change Era”

    2017-07-23 275 Share

    On July 23rd, 2017, a training themed with “Opportunities for Automobiles Development in the Big Change Era” in Shanghai, headquarter of Shuanglin was held. In the training, industrial experts were specially invited to share future trend for automobiles technology with management team and R&D team, mainly including three topics, i.e., power system technology, intelligence connection and self-driving technology, body electronic technology .

    Experts started the training with national policies about new energy vehicle industry, by deeply analyzing the external environment of current new energy vehicle development, and then detailed the technological development tendencies of future power system in terms of advanced motor technology, advanced gearbox technology, hybrid power structure and its sub-systems, blade-electric technology structure and charging infrastructures, etc.

    In addition, experts gave a lot of case studies about technological structure of intelligent connection, mainstream self-driving solutions and current industrial chain characteristics, thereby fully and vividly explaining the development path of intelligent connection and self-driving. Regarding body electronic technology, experts introduced its future development tend by functionality.

    At the training site, experts and trainees performed active interactions, resulting in enthusiastic atmosphere. Trainees expressed that they are greatly benefited from the training, hoping that more similar basic technology training will be organized.