
Company News

Shuanglin Manufacturing Had its Operating Work Meeting for the 1st Half 2017 Held Successfully

2017-07-24 315 Share

On July 24th, Shuanglin Manufacturing held the 1st half 2017 Operating Work Meeting in Shanghai headquarter successfully. Chairman Wu Jianbin, Vice Chairman Wu Shaowei, General Manager Shan Jinhui, Deputy General Managers Shi Min, Chen Youfu and Qian Xueming, and heads of various systems were present in the Meeting.

The Meeting was started by HR Center and IT Center’s reporting of middle and long term plan about human resource and information system. Next, functional centers and divisions reported their work summaries for the past half a year and work plans for the next half a year.

General Manager Shan Jinhui commented on the work performances of all the units, pointing that each operating unit must try to meet and exceed the established targets, and focusing on “finding new profitable sources and making savings” in operation and management; management staffs of all levels must transform their concepts to be customer and market oriented, and develop the idea of “to move forward or to lag behind, slowly move forward is equal to lag behind” in order to accelerate market expansion, technology development and operation improvement.

Vice Chairman Wu Shaowei showed his appreciation on the entire performance obtained in the last haft year, and demanded that management team must speed up in terms of market expansion and product development by focusing on strategic direction, and emphasized the principles of “attend the big issue and delegate the small one, converge resources to overcome key issues, pay attention to actual performance. Later, he gave specific requirements for the entire year’s operating objectives.

At the end, Chairman Wu Jianbin made a summary. He gave thanks to everyone for the past work performances, further explained Company’s strategic planning, emphasized that an efficient organization is the base and support of strategy implementation, thereby management team must obey strategic planning to further detail human resource planning and team construction planning, and that mutual learning and exchanges should be enhanced among divisions for resource sharing and maximized synergy effects.