
Company News

Share Resources, Converge Power

2017-08-18 265 Share

On August 18th, the Biannual Marketing Meeting 2017 of Shuanglin was successfully held in Shanghai. Themed with "Share Resources, Converge Power", this Meeting was a platform for extensive summary of the works done in the past half year and arrangement of the marketing works in the next six months. 

General Manager Shan Jinhui, Deputy General Managers Chen Youfu and Qian Xueming and other senior managers were present in the Meeting. Exceptionally sales performers and representatives from different divisions attended the meeting through invitation.


The Meeting started with the welcoming speech delivered by Mr. Qian. Next, sales representatives from Deyang Electronics, DSI, New Torch, Mechanic and Electronics Devices, and Automobiles Accessories gave work reports covering two parts, i.e., work summary of the past half a year and work objectives and plan for the next half a year. During the reporting session, senior managers give appropriate comments, with active atmosphere and applauses. Finally, senior managers, based on business characters of different divisions, shared their own ideas about business plan, resource sharing, aftermarket and innovation, etc. 

First, in terms of the problem that Automobiles Accessories have many factories and many products, Mr. Chen proposed to focus on resources and streamline products by limiting products from each factory into three categories. Regarding the non-equilibrium among different regions and the part of resources in Jiashan and Jingzhou Factories are unoccupied, Mr. Chen hoped that different divisions could give mutual supports and share customer resources to enhance the comprehensive utilization of resources. Then, Mr. Chen emphasized the importance of cost reduction, expansion of internal lean production and increase of supports to sales while making improvement in mould plastic parts to be admitted into some fields with higher threshold and technological advantages, in order to overcome the fierce competition and low threshold of exterior and interior accessories. 

Afterward, Mr. Qian made a speech stating that future market expansion must be based on Shuanglin's strategic planning and divisions must strenghten cooperation to fully make use of synergy effects while appointing two requirements on behalf of financial department on management staff of all levels, i.e., increase payment management and customer credit management. Shuanglin Company has revised standards on customer credit managmeent which would be first implemented in Mechanic and Electronics Devices, and Automobiles Accessories, and then in DSI, Deiyang Electronics and New Torch concurrently. 

At the end, Mr. Shan stated that our Marketing Meeting cannot be limited to discussion and analysis in tactics, considerations at strategical level should be needed and that the theme of this Meeting should be treated as the extension of strategy to marketing. For this reason, he proposed three requirements, including increasing the comprehensive capacity of salespersons to cultivate technological sales, enhancing shared resources by focusing on potentials from export market and after-market, and forming our core competitivenss thorugh innovation to achieve product upgrading, customer upgrading to eventually cope with market changes. 

"One cannot flatten a single grass but a group of people can make a large road". Since market environment is changing all the time, marketing elites on the front line have deeply understood the development idea of our Company to share resources and cope with market competitions together.