
Company News

Practice Full Involvement and Exceed Customer Expectation

2017-08-31 289 Share

On August 31, DNV performed a quality audit on Shuanglin headquarter with respect to new version of IATF16949 Quality System. General Manager Shan Jinhui, Deputy General Manager Qian Xueming, Directors from Functional Centers and Heads of Relevant Departments from Mechanic and Electronic Devices attended the meeting.


DNV audit team gave a quite positive evalsuation on the quality management system of Shuanglin, thinking that management level attached high importance to quality system and the quality system in Shuanglin headquarter was well operated. Mr. Shan extended thanks to the DNV team for their improvement suggestions provided for Shuanglin, and emphasized that departments of all levels must make deep and comprehensive analysis and correction, according to problems found during the audit, in order to improve quality management level in a systemic way. 

Quality is the life-hood of an enterprise, the foundation for survival and development of an enterprise, and also the pursuit by Shuanglin. In order to adapt to external and internal changes, in 2017, Shuanglin has determined the quality policy of "Practice full involvement and exceed customer expectation", which fully indicates that Shuanglin adheres to taking product quality and service quality as the starting point, implements whole-process control from supplier, to product delivery to customer service, and improves continuously, in order to satisfy present and further customer needs and even exceed customer expectation. All employees must keep in mind that

  • Quality is the first priority in Shuanglin forever.

  • Everyone is fully accountable to quality

  • Do everything right the first time  

  • Abide by "three-not" principle, not accept defect, not make defect and not pass defect. 

September is national quality month and Shuanglin's Quality Month Program has been officially started under the topic of "practice full involvement and exceed customer expectation". More about quality month program are to be updated……