
Company News

“Silver Lion Program” Opened!

2017-09-08 230 Share

In this era with rapid industrial development and reform, Shuanglin, with a history of 30 years, is facing strategic opportunities and market challenges. In the new context, how to rapidly build a talent team that is consistent with Group strategy and culture and meets Shuanglin's requirement for competencies is of great importance. For this, "Silver Lion Program", a program under the "Lion" series talent cultivation project held by Shuanglin University was officially opened on September 8th. 

The implementation of "Lion" series talent cultivation project is driven by Shuanglin’s needs of achieving talent strategic project and strategy performance, the needs of forming a uniform management concept and culture, and also the needs of enabling Shuanglin Group to become a respected and leading company.


At the "Opening Ceremony", four divisions and more than 20 factories from "intelligent manufacturing" and over 30 "Silver Lion" students were present on time. Shan Jinhui, General Manager, Chen Youfu and Qian Xueming, Deputy General Managers, and Wang Hongmei, Human Resource Director from Shuanglin, as well as Peng Yunjing, Deputy General Manager, and Sun Jun, Chief Consultant from Haojun Leadership Development Center, the co-organizer of this program. 

At the beginning of the Ceremony, Human Resource Director Wang Hongmei explained the definition of "Lion" series talent cultivation project (what is "Lion" series) and the project positioning (the primary reason that this program is mainly dedicated to leaders at factory level) from the perspectives of Group development strategy and talent strategy, and proposed expectations and requirements. Next, Mr. Sun Jun expounded the prospect and significance of this learning project in professional terms and detailed the project design and entire plan, having all the students get clearer about why and what to learn. 

Mr. Chen and Mr. Qian delivered speeches to encourage students, respectively. In their speeches, they mentioned the urgent demand for leadership project from the business modules that they are in charge of, and encouraged students to cherish this learning opportunity. 

In his concluding speech, Mr. Shan stated that this would be an intensive learning for all leaders of factory level. Since Shuanglin needs factory heads to manage teams, operate business and implement strategies, all the students are expected to improving their own abilities and making communications with this opportunity while following the rapid development of Shuanglin to make individual retrospection and forming their own styled management. 

At the end, all the members seriously read "Training Declaration" of "Silver Lion Program". The "declaration" consisting of only 56 characters enabled each student to feel the responsibility of learning and drove them to make great efforts for Shuanglin's development. 

This "Silver Lion Program", in terms of learning plan, includes pre-learning (case study) and themed sessions based on weak points in each stage, by referring to "Adult Learning Characteristics" and "Learning and Practice Curves". All the sessions are closely connected. Improving knowledge structure at any time during the program, guidance and supervision from superiors, and submission of real cases based on their jobs, will make the entire implementation become a "combination of knowledge and practice and put knowledge into practice" in the real sense.