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    Company News

    Start by Technology · Achieve by Innovation — The Fifth Technology Conference of Shuanglin Stock Company was Held Successfully

    2017-11-10 277 Share

    For the sake of summarizing and sharing technological experience and achievements, understanding and grasping the direction and trend of new technology development, the fifth technology conference of Shuanglin Incorporated was held successfully at Royal Tulip Garden Hotel in Canel Town, Shanghai on 10th November, 2017.

    Hosted by Technical Committee and undertook by Technical Management Department with the theme of “Start by Technology · Achieve by Innovation”, the conference was attended by WU Jianbin, the President of the Company, and the President Assistant, Director of the President Office, Vice General Manager, etc. There were more than 150 persons attending in this conference, including SHAN Jinhui, the General Manager and Director of Technical Committee, the members of Technical Committee of the stock company and of each Business Department, and also representatives of technicians.

    At the beginning of the conference, Mr Zhao, the Director of Human Resource Center, read out Corporate Word NO [2017]021 Document (about the alteration of members in the Fifth Technical Committee of the stock company and the notification of the establishment of the Technical Committee of Business Department) and the name list of acquiring engineer qualification, also awarded the Engineer Certificate in the conference.

    Thereafter, SHAN Jinhui, the General Manager and Director of Technical Committee, read out the name list of outstanding patent and excellent technological papers.

    The president awarded the Certificate of Honor to the representatives of those who gained outstanding patent.

    The General Manager and Director of Technical Committee, SHAN Jinhui, the Vice General Managers, CHEN Youfu and QIAN Xueming awarded the Certificate of Honor to the authors of excellent technological papers. The prize-winners shared their patent achievements and technological papers in the conference.

    Then each Business Department made a technological work summary and the report of technology development trend which helped every attendee to understand the achievements and the direction of future technology development of each Business Division, also helped to learn new technology and new trend from each industry.

    At last, President Shan made an important speech for this conference. He emphasized that the establishment and development of our company could not be separated from technology. For further development and expansion of our company, we must rely on the innovation and cultivation of technology skills thereby improving levels of independent innovation, technology application and technical management. Meanwhile, by means of introducing future technology trend of automobiles development, President Shan demanded that Business Departments should speed up the improvement of product design and development ability, new craft and new technology application ability, cost control ability and quality guarantee ability. What’s more, in the aspect of strengthening enterprise’s impetus, President Shan required the establishment of a company sharing knowledge base which could collect the essence of every technology activity. By focusing on IATF 16949 and integrating developing models like APQP, CMMI and ISO 26262, we should improve research and development system of some modules and realize the quality control of research and development process with the assistance of information platform. Furthermore, fault-tolerance and correction mechanism should be further improved in order to create the technological innovation. President Shan encouraged everyone to make persistent efforts to create more achievements in building a better future for Shuanglin!