
Company News

Factory head project under Silver Lion Program held by Shuanglin Group was completed successfully

2017-12-11 307 Share

The closing ceremony for the 3-month factory head project under Silver Lion Program of Shuanglin Group was held on December 11.The following people were present in the ceremony: General Manager Shan, Deputy General Manager Chen, Deputy General Manager Qian, Shuanglin Education Strategy Executive Director Wang, Human Resource Center Director Zhao, Deputy General Manager Peng from Haojun Leadership Development Center, trainees, etc.

The project was carried out in three stages with 10 courses and 1 mutual exchange and communication activity, and more than 40 leaders at factory level participated in this project. By various ways of online and offline learning, such as pre-learning, classroom learning, workshop, on-job training, trainees submitted 72 knowledge structure tables or forms, 6 groups of overall knowledge structure figures and more than 70 practice cases.

In the ceremony, project managers guided trainees to conduct project summary and achievement display in a intuitive way for leaders, three groups displayed their learning performance via overall knowledge structure figures and short stories. Trainees made explanation by quoting Tang monk teacher and his disciples went on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures (please refer to the book “A Journey to the West”), Wild Geese in Southward Flight, the tribe taking wolf as their totem spent Chinese New Year, which brought round after round of warm applause and hearty laughter. 

Trainee representatives shared their experiences and achievements in combination of theory and practice in the practical work.  

Deputy General Manager Chen and Deputy General Manager Qian gave their comments respectively, they gave positive appraisal and pointed out shortcomings; they hoped trainees not only have a good grasp of theoretical knowledge, but also have the ability to use what they learned in practical situations so as to improve themselves gradually.

Shuanglin Education Executive Director Wang gave a summary, he said Silver Lion Program at factory level is the first project under the "Lion" series talent cultivation project based on group development strategy. The program focuses on leadership training for specific group of leaders at factory level, the learning program is formed based on actual needs identified through the talent assessment, interviews and other means. The aim is to provide common languages in management work, to establish commonly used management knowledge system, lean system and comprehensively operating system, and to provide methods, tools and management skills. He hoped trainees would look the training as a new start, hoped they would keep learning and move from learning to action. Finally, he thanked present leaders and teachers from Haojun Leadership Development Center for their support and guidance.

In the ceremony, relevant leaders granted certificates for trainees completing the training, awarded trophies and prizes for excellent groups and trainees, and then they took group photos together.

Finally, General Manager Shan gave a concluding remark, he said that the achievement display showed that the trainees have a deep understanding of management; in terms of management, the most important is personnel management, the aim of management is to improve cohesive force and combat strength of a team, and the ultimate goal of management is to improve organizational effectiveness. The training program not only brought a chance to learn knowledge for factory heads, but also brought a chance for them to conduct cross-sectoral communication, which fosters deep thinking and improves their leadership level. He hoped that trainees would use what they learned to improve organizational effectiveness and their management skills, they can unify knowledge with action and make use of what they have leaned.