
Company News

Happy Learning and Keeping Pace with the Times

2018-07-10 221 Share

On July 10th, Shuanglin Group Co., Ltd. held a grand launch meeting of Shuanglin online learning platform in Shanghai headquarters. The meeting was attended by Gu Xiaoying, general manager of the company, Shi Min, deputy general manager and chief financial officer of the company, Wang Haizhen, assistant president of Shuanglin Group, Xia Zhenghua, general manager of East China region of Learning Tribes, Zou Tingfang, operation general manager of Learning Tribes, the general managers of all business divisions of the company and the director representatives of functional center, et al.

Yin Yan, strategic executive director of Shuanglin Education and director of human resources center, first introduced the overall situation of the online learning platform project of Shuanglin, and pointed out that the online learning platform will gradually form a network of knowledge-based training, making every employee a contributor of knowledge and a beneficiary of the era of knowledge sharing. At the same time, she emphasized the cooperation of enterprise university, human resource department and business department, and the discussion with each other for the establishment of learning organization.

As a key provider of the learning platform, Zou Tingfang, operation general manager of Learning Tribe, took us to have an in-depth understanding of this learning platform project. Through the development of enterprise learning trend and the construction of learning organization, she deeply analyzed the understanding of the operation mode and the purpose of the online learning platform for everyone, and developed new ideas of establishing a learning organization enterprise for Shuanglin.

Gu Xiaoying, general manager of Shuanglin Group Co., Ltd., pointed out at the meeting that online learning platform was a good learning carrier, for by means of electronic means, it was free from the constraints of time, place and other factors, and meet everyone's learning needs. This platform not only provided a channel for our employees to learn from themselves, but also established a new platform for mutual communication and discussion. It was also a carrier to realize the online management of training information and we should make full use of it. At the same time, he emphasized that the learning management department should take the lead in the operation of the platform, take the work target as the orientation, introduce excellent external courses, accumulate experience for online sharing, combine learning with work practice, and jointly build a learning organization of Shuanglin Group, so that every employee can become a "wise" volunteer!

At the meeting, the publicizing and implementation of the Management Measures of Online Learning Platform was carried out. Through the interpretation of the system, the function of network learning platform was understood, the company's learning management requirements and course management contents were known well, the learning enthusiasm and the awareness of participating in learning of all the staff were mobilized and improved!