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The Quality Month is going on | This year we feature with "three highs"!

2018-09-20 207 Share

—— "What are three highs"? ——

A new car is required to be tested and evalsuated in thousands of different environments and conditions prior to being listed, which includes various calibrations and tests in high temperature, high cold and high altitude, commonly known as "three highs" in the automobiles calibration industry. 

Turpan - Autobots Valley of Trials

DSI gearbox has been on the market for many years, carrying multiple models sold at home and abroad, and a set of mature processes has been developed for gearbox calibration.

01 - Core of high temperature calibration: thermal protection mode

A series of protection strategies will be passively activated by the gearbox at extreme conditions to ensure that the vehicle can be operated safely under these unconventional conditions (such as high temperature), which require the calibration engineer to perform some unconventional means of simulation in a particular environment. These strategies are calibrated and tested to ensure that the gearbox can execute these protection modes as required to guarantee vehicle safety.

02 - Special driving experience: high-temperature shifting strategy

A shifting strategy for high temperatures has been carefully designed by gearbox engineers to maximize the protection of the powertrain at extremely high temperatures to prevent it from further generating heat to raise the temperature in cabin. The high-temperature shifting strategy, different from the conventional shifting strategy, is not mainly designed for driving, but for minimizing heat generation, while meeting general driving conditions.

03 - Pursue perfection: high-temperature shifting quality calibration

Contrary to conventional environment, mechanical components and hydraulic oil will produce a series of changes, such as thermal expansion and contraction of valve body parts, and ATF oil viscosity coefficient when the internal temperature of the gearbox rises to a certain extent. These changes, which are invisible to the naked eye, will seriously affect the shifting quality of the gearbox. Therefore, calibration engineers need to perform a series of calibrations on the shifting quality under the environment to ensure that the vehicle always provides perfect driving experience.

04- Master in "extreme environments": all-round calibrator 

Due to poor quality or design, including electrical or mechanical reasons, there are frequent strikes on some parts in extremely high temperature environments. The calibration engineers must not only identify the strikes, but also fix them and provide suppliers or developers with appropriate improvement plans.

Otherwise, just wait to be baked!

Towering Kunlun: different summer resort

Plateau calibration, relative to the high temperature, is more of a test for the engine and people...

01- Team combat: work with EMS to develop a plateau shifting strategy

The thin air on the plateau will cause the engine performance to be greatly reduced, so the gearbox needs to be adjusted accordingly, especially the new plateau shifting strategy needs to be developed, and different proportion coefficients need to be used according to different altitudes, so as to avoid the aging status. 

02- Calibrators' challenge: altitude sickness

At the Kunlun pass, nearly 4,800 meters above sea level, our calibration engineers, like vehicles, also need to be tested. Altitude sickness is common at this altitude. The author has suffered that but finally got used to it on the third day with an oxygen bottle.

03 - Changeable weather: go through four seasons within one day 

When you go out of the hotel with short sleeves, you are considering whether to take a coat, but when you climb to the top of the mountain, it is snowing heavily, as proved by the poem: The towering Kunlun is a summer resort.